Comfort in all the wrong places
Why is it when we are badly hurt we look for some kind of relief?
The bigger question is why do I look for love and comfort in he?
He as in you; him knowing that he is not capable of helping me.
I thrive to find something bigger, more than what I recieved...feeling as if something is missing...
When ever the feeling comes over me I curl up and try to conquer each and every exruciatin feeling.
After this I search for someone to occupy my time and my puzzuled mind.
Only adding to the ugly feeling I had before I looked for comfort from he.
Only resulting to be played with for everyone to see.
I looked to he, yet now he looks to me,
to comfort him after his bad day... though what we have is nothing;
Now he no longer comforts me but ONLY SHE.
(chuckle) hmm... Ironic isn't it?... never look for comfort in all the wrong places.