Green is the color of trees.
Yellow is the color of the sun.
Blue is the color of water.
Red is the color of blood.
Purple is the color of violets.
Pink is the color of sunsets.
Brown is the color of dirt.
Orange is the color of fire.
White is the color of snow.
Black is the color of darkness.
Green is the color of adventure and strength.
Yellow is the color of happiness and warmth.
Blue is the color of focus and calming.
Red is the color of anger and control.
Purple is the color of excitement and insight.
Pink is the color of shyness and grace.
Brown is the color of security and trust.
Orange is the color of intensity and energy.
White is the color of purity and innocence.
Black is the color of treachery and resentment.
Green is the color of growth and learning.
Yellow is the color of openness and glee.
Blue is the color of peace and sadness.
Red is the color of passion and deceit.
Purple is the color of mystery and intelligence.
Pink is the color of kindness and care.
Brown is the color of integrity and mistakes.
Orange is the color of resilience and stubborn.
White is the color of cleansing and forgiveness.
Black is the color of evil and despair.
Green is the color of grass.
Yellow is the color is sunflowers.
Blue is the color of the sky.
Red is the color of roses.
Purple is the color of quartz.
Pink is the color of tulips.
Brown is the color of rock.
Orange is the color of lava.
White is the color of clouds.
Black is the color of coal.