Color Spectrum
One day at school my mother made me wear
a white skirt, and a ruffled shirt
Let me paint you the picture,
There is nothing wrong with outdated fashion trends
or, forcing your believes on your children -but
I dont want to be another person
filled to the brim with pink paint
That follow the black-on-white principle of the color culture,
Their shady hierarchy
I dont want to see pink or blue
I want to see orange, purple, yellow
I want to see red
I want so much more than this world dares
This world does not want to see new colors
It want to see pink, in pinker nuances
The same play
Different wig, different actor, same message
Matthew 6:6 reads,
Be color correct, offical before you're correct privatly
Gunshot goes boom
Shot on the street if you dare to admit to color blindness
I dont see gender,
I dont see ability
I dont see fashion
Damn, I sit proudly for I am
Colorblind to the lables we enforce on our-
The labels that my mother has filled my lungs with.
So I walk to school in my white skirt -
that by the way,
is to short to be pratical and to short
for a girl who swears and sweat
And my ruffled shirt,
that my friends say I acctually look feminine in,
since femeninity is all about the feet of cotton
you choose to wear on
which fertile body part
-And all day I spew pink color all over my pretty clothes
Just they way things are meant to be,
Beacuse we are colorblind to what comes
Out of us,
As long as it all matches the color spectrum.