Color Blind
- Color blind
- Living life
Tryna find
Fighting wars
Bleeding red
Under the shimmering sea
My brother
In black
In white
My brother
Look at us
We color blind
All we see
Is black and white
What happened
To integrity?
What happened
To America?
Why are we color blind?
We all the same
Breathe the same
But we can’t see the same
No man
We’re too busy
Fighting and running
From the truth
The truth that sets us free
We blame each other
For our pain
We have no heart
No brain
But we have eyes
And ears
We see the streets
And we’re quick to blame
Our neighbor, a stranger
But no not our family, not our friend
We branded America
We gave it a bad name
America is color blind
And we’re to blame
It's time America
To stop being color blind
Life ain't black and white
So why we tryna make it?
We all live in fear
But not for each other
But for ourselves
Too afraid to stop and think
Maybe we are the same
But we aren't different
But here we are
Not united
Not the way we're supposed to be
We fighting each other
Drawing a line in the streets
I ain't black
I ain't white
I'm human
An American
One with a dream
It's time to stop
The blame
This game is over
When we stop
Bringing fame
On a name
Because of the color
But we're all the same
Color blind
Running from the truth
Saying that we don't feel the pain
We're living a nightmare
And not a dream
Not the American one
No, we forgotten who we are
We're the great
We're the free
We're the brave
We're all brothers
And we're all sisters
And we're all color blind
Stop the blame
Stop the hate
Stop the pain
It all needs to stop
The rage, the anger
It ain't healthy
It's knocking us down
Further and further away
To the point where
We can't see the color
Just black and white
And we're stuck
It's time to start the climb
To love each other
We're all here together
Breathing together
Living life
Life's supposed to be great
To be fun
Not dull
Not in black and white
Wake up America
We're color blind - Delete Comment
This poem is about:
Our world