College Freshman
Dear College Freshman,
Wow! Can you believe you are going off to college? Life as you know it is about to change. You think you know everything. You are the most popular in your high school. You are the best on your high school sport team. Now you are going to step into a whole nother world called college life. Here you are the newbee, don’t know anyone, and at the bottom of your new team. Take heed to the words I am about to lay out for you…. When you get here make friends and make sure they are good friends. Ones that will encourage you, make sure you are going to class, and doing your work. Make sure to call home and talk to your parents and siblings. They love you and miss you as much as you do them. Do not be afraid to ask for help! Ask a professor if you don’t understand something, ask a counselor if you are having problems in class, with being homesick, and anything. They are there to help you. If there is a chapel or church on campus seek guidance from the pastor. You are the maker of your destiny no one else! Don’t give up just because you are homesick, fail at a sport or class, or don’t feel like you belong. Take comfort in knowing that we have all gone through this. Find an upperclassman to talk to they have gone through what you are going through. If they can get through it so can you.
Praying for you,