a collection of little things #2
Girls like you belong to the earth belong to the bones beneath the ground
I swear on my dead cats dusty bones it haunts me in my sleep
I see myself in shadows of things that don't exist, im pretty sure the shadows see me too
God, if you're still listening, i want you to reach down and hold me
How much did they have you bleed, how long did they make you suffer how long did they force you down how dark did they tint your dreams until you had their blood glistening on your teeth until your suffering paled in comparison to their own until it was their throats pinned under your boot until you learned to enjoy the sounds of their screams
You hate the word undeserving and maybe you do because it fits better than most of your clothes it knows your favorite color and where you're from
How many dead versions of yourself do you keep inside
How long will it be until i don't hear your laugh echo around in my head when i hear the crunch of the car folding in on itself
The phone rings you pick up the sound of your own voice cracking the first time you begged someone to stay bounces through the receiver