Close Your Eyes
Close your eyes
picture yourself in a place where time doesn’t matter
a place where you feel alive
a place that you makes you happy
a place where your dreams can thrive.
Open your eyes.
Think about the image that was just in your head
whats stopping you from getting there?
Its that awful thing in the back of your head
How long has it been there causing you despair?
Close your eyes again.
Picture that thing thats always haunting the back of your mind
Its just you and this thing, this evil thing
Its been there for a very long time
Look it right in the eyes
dont be afraid and tell it
You refuse to be treated this way
Say you’ve been here for far too long
it has taken advantage of its stay
This thing knows its had control over you
so it will put up a fight
keep your eyes closed so its the only thing insight
force it out
if you don't it will stay
and continue to take advantage of your heart in every way
don't think you can't escape
because you can
all it takes is firm hand
put your foot down and let it know this is your show
let it know you are your own and you belong to you
then what will there be left for it to say or do?
It no longer has control over you
It knows it has lost
so it will pack its bags
but you better keep your guard up
because it will try to bring back thoughts and memories to change your mind
thoughts of sweet things it did for you