Close Friends

This is for my closest friends
The ones who'll stick till the end
The ones who helped save me
From falling in to deep
Thank you for saving my fall
Where would I be without y'all
Thanks for helping me see
There's nothing wrong being me
I met the first pair in the Summer of 06
I was a new kid trying to get in the mix
As the new kid, making friends seemed like a chore
But then I met a pair of brothers who lived next door
It's safe to say our friendship started fast
We made sure to make the good times last
We were goofy kids who played too many games
We were headasses to the truest sense of the name
No matter the problem, our friendship never quit
And man Mario Kart on the Wii was our ****
At the end, I would always get beat
Because one of them would always like to cheat
I met one of their good friends when I was a sophomore
We turned from the Foxwood 3 to the Foxwood 4
We made memories like we were going to die soon
We had aspirations that went past the moon
We all had dreams that could touch the stars
And together we knew we could all go far
This is for my closest friends
The ones who'll stick till the end
The ones who helped save me
From falling in to deep
Thanks for saving my fall
Where would I be without y'all
Thanks for helping me see
There's nothing wrong being me
At school I met a kid in the fourth grade
A friendship started that I would never trade
And those school days would never go flat
Because I met 2 more in both years after that
We we're never apart of the popular crew
And talking to girls, man we had no clue
But even though our lives were full of cracks
We always knew we had each other's backs
We wanted to have fun, that was our master plan
That's why we always acted like fools during marching band
Another one came along when I became a junior
Our friendship was totally based on our sense of humor
One more was added in my second year at State
Our passion for music is how we both would relate
That brings up the total of close friends to 8
And hopefully we can stay close no matter our fate
No matter how our lives will unfold
Just know those memories will never grow old
Just remember until all of our lives end
That y'all will always be my best friends
And who knows maybe we'll get to see
If friendships can last past an eternity

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