The clock mocks me from its unseen perch.
All that seems to exist in this dark, lonely world I live in is the sound of the clock.
Time swims slowly by, mocking my chains while boasting its freedom.
My thoughts are birds with their wings clipped.
The clock stops working.
I am left alone without any sound to comfort me.
I am left to this silence, this terrible silence that wants nothing more than to kill me.
In the suffocating stillness, I find no relief from the repugnant rationality which has taken hold of my mind.
This disfigured depression overwhelms me.
It tries to take control, and tries to eliminate the extraneous emotions that are joy and fulfillment.
I feel as if it is succeeding.
Fighting it is too much.
The moment I feel as if it might truly take control-!
I wake up from my nightmare, screaming and crying.