Clarity in Catharsis
Purging concerns and shadowed secrets,
Spilling tears and spitting hate.
Catharsis is a spinning storm
Where you release the weight.
The storm comes back again,
As night claims the horizon,
And crawling in the clouds
Are all your pains and vices.
So shed the scars and shackles
That scrape the beaten deck.
Bite the bullet release the tension
That bends your breaking neck.
Write it down or shout it out,
Let it wash out in the rain.
Dispense every agitation.
Eradicate the pain.
Flushed eyes and shaky knees;
Wrecked, shattered, and worn.
But for a second in the moment
There's a calming in the storm.
Realization takes the helm
For that second of clarity.
And the sun breaks the clouds
Ending the dispairity.
It takes the ship to shore
Where the sun is always shining.
Grounded with perspective,
Hope is found in writing.
Now jettisoned at sea
Are guilt, stress, and sadness.
The drowning tools of life
Are sinking in the madness.
The boat will float and start again
And repeat the process.
Because after every storm
There's clarity in catharsis.