The Circus Tent Of Fun House Mirrors And False Logic
Squeeze on the red nose and watch the magic unfold sh*t,
Watch as the mirrors unclothed sh*t, Distort the image until
it don't make sense, Life's cognition is full of repetition pulled
in by false cries and undoubted lies, Walk the tight rope of
lost hope, Jumping in the pool of sharks full of lost art,
Believing I'd be safe in the tigers bin where the mirrors cracked
due to the soft spoken word of the violin, String together the
balloons into to animals viewing the different colors seen thru
shrooms, And booms of excitement bring light to enlightenment,
The element over powering the elements which are hell bent
like acrobatics reaching the nets of failure, A trampoline of
assumption consumed with abrupt sh*t as the ring master plans
an evening of funniness, The circus at its klutziest.