Childhood Dreams
When I grow up, I wanna be a ballerina
But not the prissy frilly one
The one with that hidden dagger at the bottom of their slippers
That way if someone tries to mess with me
I can use my majestic legs
Rise them ever so slowly into the air
And point them in the right direction
To the hospital
When I grow up I wanna be a badass motherfucker
But the secret one
Because I’m not really allowed to say that
So when I tell my mom, if she asks, and we all know she will
I’ll have to censor
And I’ll just be a bad mother
When I grow up I wanna be a teacher
A master in the art of ninjutsu
Someone who can flip anyone who comes at me
And disappear in a matter of seconds
A respected teacher with 100’s of pupils
One you’ll never see angry but you’ll know
When they’re disappointed in you
A gentle teacher
A strong teacher
When I grow up, I wanna be a body guard
Someone who stands silently in the back
And watches over you, but never bothers you
One who will allow you to do you
But gives you the comfort of knowing you’re safe
I wanna be the strong silent type
The one who allows you to see who’s good and who’s bad
For yourself
But will not hesitate to cut a bitch if it gets out of hand
When I grow up I wanna be a secret badass motherfucker
But I don’t want to tell my mom that I want to be a bad mother
So, in truth,
I want to be just like my mother.