Unknowing at times
My childhood had all of these
Like a cherry blossom waiting to come up,
it took me time to be who I am today
My childhood was different.
coming from immigrant parents,
I never owned what other kids owned
those thick Tonka trucks that one thrusts back and forth
that new Transformer
those new kicks on their feet
that football, basketball. or baseball
I owned
used books, chairs, tables
and love from my family
I accepted all of that and took it in stride
In my mind, what we had was fantastic!
But then came school
I came to a realization that things weren’t as good as I once thought
So shy, I didn’t really talk to anyone
Only friends were my cousins.
I remember trying to make friends
No one wanted that Asian kid to play with them
Not welcome
Not accepted
Happiness went to sadness
set aside like a phone call from that one ex.
I thought it was because I didn’t have
those Tonka trucks
that Transformer
those new kicks
that ball
I believed it was because I was different
Not white or had brown or blond hair
Eyes not the same
Down my tender cheek, tears trickled, feeling torn
I wallowed in despair
I was a dam with a hole in it, leaking with sorrow
Determination from that point on
to make friends.
Days later
I was playing with action figures
even kickball.
with the same friends that rejected me
To this day
still friends with those same friends
My childhood changed me
For the better
More confident than ever
More outgoing
More vocal
Result of being who I am
My entire life
I’ve gone through adversity
be it from the color of my skin
my culture
my character
I’ve gone above all the haters
and am better off now than I was before.
Now, even though I may not have
those snapbacks
that game console
those Nikes
that girl
I do have
my family
And above all