Chicku-My Baby
While going away from you
These thoughts came impromptu
I love you my lovely Chicku
Your purity and purity of Holy fire are akin
You are the most cute and innocent face
I have ever seen
I can listen to your jabbering gibberish
more attentively than any discourse
You are my happiness’ unfathomed source
From now on I will breathe in two bodies
One is mine and another is yours
In stories, I have heard that some
wizard had her life in a parrot,
but my life is in you
I love you my lovely chicku
I am a poet
I can untangle the most sophisticated
subjects without destroying its efficacy,
but I am unable to understand the
analogy of this bonding and intricacy per se
For which all words are insufficient
Going away from you means-
Subterranean trickling tears, pangs in heart,
an uneasiness ineffable.