CHERUB'S By: Dr. Clive Martin Fray
The Moment you found that you were not Human:
That you are not a Person."
"That you had Wings on the Back of your Shoulders:
The Reason why you are 'Delicate!"
"That You were Strong and Brave' And Young:
And Sexy and Shape like 'Virgin.
"And Found that You were Shine like Furniture:
and 'Beautiful in your Time."
"You Figured out 'Sacred:
That knowledge killed you:.......
"You wrote Yourself Back to Life!"
"You hide under the Brightest lights:
"And Nobody Cannot See You.!"
"You Dwell in indipendent Peace: in Presence of The invisible.
'And Soon as Somebody Figure You Out: You Change out and Transform.
"Because You Always want to Look like Normal:
You do not Want Them To Know.
"Electric Super Natural Current Transfer's From Your Fingers!"
"And Try to Act like Happy Go Lucky:
Like Just Returning from Space.......
Attempts for Painting some Desperate Diversion: 'incase they Would Not Like You."
The Moment you Found out you were Eternal:
That you are Not a Person.
'Devine as Children Angels and Elders who Make up The Ark Of The Covenant.
You Fly Over All Of Yesterday:
And Made It Over Tomorrow:
And Got Over Some Wicked Troubles:
And Some Wonderful Well Done Traps!
Like... "How in The World Did You Do That.?"
"You Remind Me Of A Story.!"
A Firm Pedestal For The Men Who Tales Say 'Tiled By Night."
"The Moment you Found that you Were not Normal:
That you are not Somebody:
That You Were Something in likeness of Someone:
Of Some what much More So Than That.
" You Begin to Engage The Holy Spirit Into Practice and Rehearsals....
And Start to Find out Follow Up's on Messengers and Preachings.
"You Started an Experiment and a Matter of Scientific Resolve.!"
And little before anybody could know:
You Begin To Start Work 'Magic.' ) : )
"Because You've Witnessed A Bushy Fire: Like Moses Upon Mount Sinai.
You Trust in God and Follow his Ways:
You Praise Him with Harps and Timbrels.
You Lift Your Spirit:
Raised your Voice: On Paper: By a Pencil.
"How You Reached Them Back and Told Them Good:
'Like No Nor No-one Ever Dared Did Done Before.