Cheaters in the Game Without Rules
Life is like a puzzle-- five or six puzzles
Thrown on the floor, the pieces mixed in a whirlpool of peanut butter and swiss cheese
It's confusing as shit
Grammar-- It's more confusing than shit.
We stick the pretty colors together and make a pretty picture
And when it doesn't turn out right
We remember
Life is like a puzzle-- six or seven puzzles
Borderless and flunctuatng like a cloud
Drifting scornfully in the sky and dissappearing when touched
There is no set of instructions
And yet we call those who excel cheaters
Those who don't play by the rules we have created for ourselves
That we expect them to follow as we do
They're cheaters?
To them we're just losers
Restricting ourselves by different rules
And when we lose the ruleless game
We remember
Life isn't like a puzzle
It's not a game
But we wish it were that simple
So we make it impossible to lose this "non-game" reality
Making it so we can never win
And call the ones who make thier own rules cheaters
And get mad when they laugh and call you losers
Staring down at you as if you were a child
It sounds like you're cheating yourselves