ChChChCh Change– shit.
Today I eat lunch alone.
Yesterday I ate lunch alone.
Tomorrow I will skip lunch. alone. Because I cant stand the way this chair looks at me.
I wasn't always this pathetic, you know.
I ran that highschool.
I was in every club. President of a couple.
Everyone knew My name.
I knew everyone's name.
We Always said hello when we passed eachother.
I was a giver of advice, a setter of trends, a taker of surveys.
Now I am an eater of lunch, Alone.
I really believed they'd all call me more often. Or text or something. Pfeh.
So to answer your question, About what I would change,
I'd change Change.
I would make it possible to gather up all the people you love and then just stay together and be happy.
We'd go to the bar from Cheers every thursday night.
And the walls would never be repainted a different color
And my boyfriend would still be concerned about persuing me, not a complacent pain in my ass.
And I wouldnt have gained 25 pounds and 3 giant zits.
And we'd be like a diorama in a glass box at The Museum of Natural History;
perfect and happy and unchanging.
We'd be like those old photographs that our moms keep tucked away in albums under their beds;
so neatly dressed and laughing at jokes now long forgotten,
but still rippling in the edges of their brains after so many years
when they crack open their window to the days before going to Costco became excitement.
So yeah.
Here's to getting caught in the rye.