Changing the World
The world.
What a beautiful place.
Everything you see, everything you've known.
Everything you care about is in
the World.
so why not take care of it?
please do not be selfless
you live on
the World
so why not take care of it?
your children will live on
the World.
so why not take care of it?
Please treat the World as if it were a real person
as if it were your child
be kind to it,
nuture it,
and watch it grow.
How, you ask?
well, when you were a child,
what did you need?
in order to grow?
You needed care, guidance, nourishment
and so does
the World!
Care. do not pollute, litter. respect the World.
Guidance. guide the World to a better future.
teach it to forget the past, learn from it, grow from it
Nourishment. nuture the World. Feed it healthy things.
I can do it.
You can do it.
He can do it.
She can do it.
We can do it.