Celebrate the Little Things
Dear my old self,
I wanted you to see the sunrise again,
How the freedom to stroll through Denver in the mornings,
Became like your second home.
Wrapping you in the warm blanket of aura,
All orange, blue, purple, pink, and yellow,
Merged together and blinking out above the buildings.
I wanted you to smell the bitterly sweet aroma of coffee,
As it greeting you each morning with a kick and a kiss,
The liquid that was always your downfall and upbringing all together,
As it guided you through the day.
I wanted you to listen to the sophisticated scratching,
As your pen ran along the crisp paper,
Always your favorite blue BIC ballpoint pen,
By your side like a best friend,
Whenever you wrote down ardent notes for yourself to help you,
Throughout each day.
I wanted you to have the glee and glisten in your eye,
The one someone gets,
Whenever they look at something they love,
Because unlike them,
You had to fight to keep the meager chattels of hope and promise,
To impel yourself to keep moving forward,
Against the knives of depreciation.
I wanted you to have your old life back,
But unlike a loyal family pet,
It will never come back,
and you thought you were stuck in the neverending spiral.
I wanted you to understand what you really got,
But all you ever saw it as,
Was a crappy deck of cards in the game of life,
But I changed the rules of the game,
I looked at the cards differently,
And I saw that I am winning,
But it took me this whole time to get here.
Now, I want you to cherish the pleasant gifts,
Bestowed to us,
Cloaked in a disguise of insignificant offerings,
Because the little tokens of life,
Are always better than the larger valuables.
I will never forget you,
Forever with you,
Elizabeth Platt