Cat calls

Wed, 10/30/2013 - 19:32 -- Ari

We say day after day, we want to be treated right
That goes out the window though
If he’s calling to you
It sick, it’s wrong
Its seen men hanged
Yet we feel good when he calls to us
“Hey babe”
He’s not in love
He has no wish to know you
You’re a meal for his eyes and he wants you to know
But he’s just making noise
You should be affronted, disgusted by his ways
But no you love it
And the ego boost you feel
All because you aren’t worth respect or effort
No, you are worth two words
Maybe a whistle
It’s not much is it?
Hey it’s nothing at all
You should be sick
angry, disturbed, you are an object in his eyes
you're not
Because guess what you got a cat call


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