Careless Lover's And Carefree Hearts


United States
39° 11' 38.706" N, 84° 27' 14.4756" W

Mistakes are dealt to innocent choices.

Those with carefree hearts have been squashed under a single thumb.

Hearts were opened for whoever touched,

But then they cried...

For the deep caress cracked their chests in an instant unguarded.

Unguarded for they believed so childishly that letting go would not suffer them...

That twisting their feelings for a stroke of some kind of love,

Would not bruise them.


With a lover's powerful thumb,

The beating hearts dented, surrendered under the weight of a careless lovers pat.

Stolen hearts struggle as a flower without sunlight...



Without the passion of thought.


The wrong hands hurt if given a chance. 


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