I saw a Cardinal that day,
the day you described how the sky twists and turns,
as though you were blessed by the muses themselves.
I was drawn in by every word, holding on to them
as though if I were to let go, time would stop….
And it did….
Immediately, grinning ear to ear you stopped the story,
as though something amazing had appeared.
The tales of the Cardinal you told me that day,
the lucky little red birds with the happy sweet songs.
And it was at that moment I realized,
you were my Cardinal, my one and only good luck charm.
Eventually, the days got colder
months and years passed.
It was that day - I saw the Crow,
perched in your beautiful oak tree.
The Crow's menacing song of Death and heartbreak,
Nothing like a Cardinal's Life, a life of elegance and beauty
My Cardinal passed…
She hasn’t returned home since the crow’s
cruel song of kindness took her away.
I saw a Cardinal today,
It was in that moment I knew,
I was going to be okay.
Watching me, Guarding me;
My Cardinal,
my one true good luck charm.