Can't You See Them?

Mon, 02/29/2016 - 22:35 -- DejayV

My eyes are blurring and tears are falling

As night passes by sleeplessly.

The demons of my waking hours

Are detaching from the shadows

Sharpening old weapons.

I start to shiver as I remember them,

Remembering their names and the pains they cause;

Depression who wraps invisible arms around my heart,

Anxiety who beats at my mind and kicks at my gut,

Worthlessness who carves into my skin,

And Fear who lashes me into any direction he wants.

They come when they want and do as they wish.

Many have heard of my old enemies, my unwanted companions

But not many see what they truly are.

Can’t you see they are not little things to blow away?

Don’t you see the mangled creatures killing me?

They are drowning, burning, suffocating me.

Leaving me so bruised that I’m more black than I am blue.

Are they not as real to you as to me?

No? Of course not.

It is not your fault they go unnoticed.

They are of my own flesh, my own body

And that is why they come as they please.

They are in me.

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