Cannot Live without Enjoying Life
Cannot Live without Enjoying Life
One thing I cannot live without?
Not being able to enjoy life.
That is my answer.
I was given life for a reason.
To try to make the world a better place
And to also enjoy life.
We are here for a reason.
We only live once.
So we must enjoy it as much as possible.
There are many things I enjoy on Earth.
Listening to music, eating desserts, watching movies,
I could go on.
There are many things I would not want to miss
Before my life comes to an end.
Not being able to enjoy life is the main one.
Once my life is done
I will no longer be on Earth.
So I know that it would be a waste
To not enjoy Earth.
I just simply cannot live
Without enjoying life.
There’s a saying
That you should enjoy every day
Like it’s you last day of your life.
They are right.
So take every opportunity
To enjoy life.
Because once your life is done
You will be in the afterlife forever.
Do not, however,
Ever give up on life.
For life is an opportunity
For greatness and enjoyment
And is a gift.