Candy-Coated America
I stopped saying the pledge of allegiance years ago
Nevermind those who tell me that I'm disrespecting
Those who fight for our country
Because how can this be the land of the free
Or the home of the brave, when we are a country full of hate
We hate those different than us, we hate them because we are uneducated and scared
Our police engage in racial profiling and turn the victims into their own persecutors
We pull a gun on a person of color because they were reaching into their coat pocket
We assume they have a weapon because they are black
We threaten to deport immigrants because any country whose name is hard to pronounce
is clearly a dangerous one
We threaten to ban Muslims,
Because the actions from one individual clearly speak for an entire religion
We threaten to put the gays back into conversion therapy
Because anything other than heterosexual love is unnatural
We threaten to reclaim reserved cultural land as our own
For as something as unimportant as an oil pipeline
We took their land and culture away from them centuries ago
We restricted them to the very land that still remains
And now we want it back, because
An oil pipeline contributes more to the economy than a sacred culture
We deny that the earth is dying and that it is our own fault
We blame everything on others and nothing on ourselves
We care more about profiting from capitalism than pursuing our dreams
Making a difference, or helping those in need
We criticize the poor for not working hard enough and for being lazy
But then grumble when they take our jobs
We say killing is wrong, no exceptions
Unless it was "self-defense"
Or unless it's a soldier fighting in a meaningless war
Or unless it's an animal
Or if the person committed a crime
Then that's okay
I haven't said the pledge for years
Because America is not a place of freedom
People are still enslaved in sex-trafficking and illegal labor
People of color will never be free of their history of oppression
People are discriminated against through hate crimes and no one gives a damn
But yet everyone gives a damn when a gorilla is killed in a zoo
I haven't said the pledge in forever and I won't for the next four years
I am not going to live in a candy-coated America under a candy-coated administration
Because you can't make America great again
It was always flawed
It was never great
It never will be unless we turn ourselves around.