I wish
I could tell you
all the things I cannot say
like, that I love you
but, you already know that
I said it to your face
in a shortness of breath
coughed out of my mouth
like a virus that had plagued me too long
I confessed it, I was cured
Now you know
that simple fact
I love you.
but I lack the ability to describe
the overwhelming experience it is
to love a person
like you
it takes over my body, my mind
spreads like cancer
infecting my every organ
heart, lungs
the pancreas and liver
at last it takes the brain
a tumor that grows and grows
until there is nothing left but
you have overtaken me
and all I can do it sit here and act passive
while I feel this take me over
and you know none of this
you feel none of this in return
you have no knowledge of the absolute torcher of love
I would rather be marched to the guillotine and removed of my head
Than to suffer this so called natural part of the human experience
The outrageously painful
Act of love
And maybe I’m glad you don’t love me in return
because to know that you are suffering the same way I am
would only kill me more