
Sat, 06/28/2014 - 11:36 -- grimlk1

Some people are like cancer.

They are attracted to the good ones.

You know,

the people who are like nice to everyone, makes you happy, tells good jokes.

Those feel-good people.


Just like leeches; they engulf a person's spirit.

Terminate the well-being of their "friend"


This kind of Cancer..

goes undetected.

Until it leaves its victims






Its selfishness surmounts any other creature found on Earth.

This cancer is found in weak & hollow human beings;

who's only way to feel something is when they make a person care about them but never return it back.

The simple power of holding a person's heart, is enough to make them feel whole for a a year or two.

Remission. I suppose.


Until all the life dies out.


They move on til their next "Best Friend"


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