Can you see the big Picture
Step back, step back again, one more step
Ah can you see
now move back , move back further, another step
oh could this be
See the whole time you thought you were seeing it
you didn’t realize you were merely a part of it
now as you move back you see the picture changing
yep that’s because you’re too close to the painting
now you ask how far must i go to see the whole picture
well friend first you must step out of the frame
now you’re out you go back further
you can see much more but you’re not sure
still further still much more detail but the picture is still changing
you ask how much further
i say till you can see the whole frame
So further still you go now you see the frame
but the details are a blur cos you’re too far from it to see
the marks or the different curves and strokes
your eyesight is limiting you
so you ask what must i do?
Well you need a stronger vision
Now you see the perfect picture
see the strokes upon the canvas
stroke by stroke piece by piece
everything wonderfully made
but now it dawns on you the picture is abstract
i do not understand how to read it
then i say well you lack understanding
cos you don’t have the book to guide you
Get the guide to the picture
get the understanding to interpret the picture
Now you’ve learnt to
step back for an objective view
Step out of the frame that prevents you from appreciating the picture
You have a strong vision that allows you to see
further than before
to see the picture from afar
The understanding to interpret the strokes
Now close your eyes and burn the picture in your mind
pick up your brush and start to paint the future,
Recreate your world