Can You Live with What You Do Today?
Can You Live with What You Do Today?
So young
and full of life,
what you do today
should be something
to think about twice.
Your actions is
designed to catch
someone eye,
wearing provocative clothing
leave little to hide.
Sashaying your hips
and tilting your head
signal to some men
that you are not hard
to get into their bed.
Painting your body
to say that you’re
a freak,
not caring that
in the future
that you not someone
anyone wants
to see.
But you’re young,
you don’t care about
any of that,
what you don’t know
is that your figure
won’t last
and that’s a fact.
When you see
an older lady
that you say
she let herself go,
she was once
a young woman
with a figure like yours
she also loved
to show.
She too didn’t care
about her future
and now she’s
full of regrets,
taking care of
four hungry children
she now can only
dream of success.
She cries herself
to sleep wishing
she could change
her past,
looking at herself
in a mirror
wondering why
time doesn’t last.
She remembers
following the crowd
and impressing
her friends,
when the children came
none was there
at the end.
With four mouths
to feed
she had to
fend for herself,
a hard lesson
to learn
that there’s
little help.
here you and
your crew
come so fit
and trim,
when seeing you girls
she thought
I use to be
just like them.
Not caring about today
or even
seeing past tomorrow,
can anyone
make you see
that your future
could be
filled with sorrow.
a question still remains
can you live
with what you
do today,
your days
are sunny now
but can quickly
turn to gray.
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