Can We Remember Oblivion?
this the generation of knowledge and I have fears that it will cease to be edifices glimmering that surpass the sky dazzling wonders of progress poisoning the soil of our seed machinations of some cosmic machine cannot run cannot hide a pollution based economy and corruption all the way down great archives of information ready at our finger tips for a few poised on the brink of what could be not far from the capacity to see what’s written in the stars permutations of a fractal equation yet we turn away from the hope of possibilities labeling it the smoke of dreams the fantasies of children as grownups are standing by blind to remembering oblivion placing value in the wrong sorts letting laughter skip us by our world is spinning and spinning civilization is something we take for granted civility is the thin veneer over the savage from within side by side yet worlds apart reaching and never meeting so conquest is the goal the aim of empire to destroy a culture ignoring the lessons which nature has so carefully sown a lesson taking ages to write before our eyes different and weird survives hegemony decays in withered self-destruction seeing letters in the smoke churning restless machines in a factory of war a cloud of glass and shattered masonry as boiling waters drown the city so like all empires before it the generation of knowledge will fall after making the skies too sick to breathe back when we were human but in this terraced night there is still a monument of hope and possibilities to rally around a chance of terra firma after being adrift I can remember the taste of strawberries on a hot June night the feel of good earth beneath my feet the kiss of wind upon my cheek all of that still has a chance to be there is no need for the world to be a collection of communities that sometimes interact with each other dog eat dog in a rat race sharing stories reminds us of who we are and why we fight so hard to survive living is more a matter of thriving than surviving life is at a precarious place without room for flagrant pessimism on the brink of what could be the generation of knowledge must fall but who is to say we can’t have a hand in shaping our story make the legacy of our collective identity a good one the generation of knowledge will fall will it nourish what comes next the foundation for the next chapter the end needn’t be a shambles or will decaying ruins be all that is left dust settling upon the page unwritten words the story finished before it was done because we turned away from who we could be