Calling Home An Adventurer
Flitting from one scene to another,
never daring to stay in one spot for too long.
Attachment hurts, I know it can, but not always.
The constant movement and distance
is enough to drive someone crazy;
I wonder if you are even still sane.
Or if you were ever mentally sound.
You are constantly professing your love
of aloofness, but you never stop complaining
of your loathing of never being able to settle.
I'm not sure if I quite understand your dilemma
and why you are having such polar emotions
about someting so inane.
Traveling has a way of expanding the mind,
enriching the senses,
encouraging exploration of the world,
expediting the learning process, and
establishing a cultured lass or lad, I know.
However, I am here to tell you
that you are missing out.
Settling has many perks
and is not as restricting as you many think.
Friends are always near.
Family is never far away.
Settling down sometime won't hurt.
You can still go on expeditions;
We will be here to greet you when you return.
Things will be alright if you settle a little, I promise.