Call Out My Name: A Conversation with God
Call out my name,
Call out my name,
I seek refuge in you,
My Lord, My Savior,
My one true hope, my one true hope,
Do you still think of me?
Cause I still think of you,
Day and night,
Night and day,
I search for you,
Cave and refuge,
I seek it from the cold, harsh world,
I seek it from the cold, dark moon,
I seek it from the bright, funny shine of the sun,
I seek it from the traumas and tenders of the heart and soul,
As I seek salvation,
I seek your face,
I seek your heart,
I seek your soul,
Is your soul in my soul?
Is prayer just meant to purify you?
Is prayer just a construct?
Could I have conversations with you?
Could I love you?
You are me,
But am I you?
Increase me in knowledge,
Increase me in truth,
I am the truth,
And I am All-Knowing,
I seek you,
And you seek me,
Can we meet tonight?