California Politics
Crying like a baby in the rain
Shaking with a sadness and a rage as
Hot as hell that leaves you icy cold and
Drowning in the sorrows of the world.
As lonely as a little boy lost at Disneyland
A playground paradise turned upside down
Everyone too busy or distracted to help
All you want is to get off that merry go round
But every little thing is spinning out of control
Saying all the angry words out loud
Who can wage peace on a battlefield?
When trying to learn the truth is not allowed.
Where do we leave the axes that we grind
Embedded in the skulls of those we hate?
Speak from your heart but also use your mind
Don’t give up or say it’s all too late.
We can dry the tears that fall in vain
Refocus on the things we can control
But it’s so cold here stuck out in the rain
As politics keeps poisoning our souls.