Caged Tiger
Because I love you
I will be there to support you.
Because I love you
I will stand behind you
when it feels like the rest of the world
is falling apart.
Because I love you
I will push you to be greater
but I will not interfere with
your dreams.
Because I love you
I will watch as you spread wings
and fly
even if it is away from me.
Because I love you
I will do all I can to make sure your
skies are never the shade of grey
mine used to be.
Because I know
Exactly what it is like to feel
like you are a tiger
watching the world flourish around you
while you are locked in a cage.
Because I know
What it is like to have their hands
wrapped around your throat
diminishing your voice
as you try to scream.
Because I know
How it feels to have your chest
caving in on itself
with nowhere else to run.
Because I love you
I will protect you.
Because I love you
I will set you free from
all of the baggage I carry with me.