Cømmên Plaçe
Everyday I come this way
To hear the music gaily play;
Or do my fingers hit the notes
And run them till they're burning smote?
Alas, my dear, it is not so!
For every single time I go
I seem to run amuck in leer
And even so it is unclear
Why my head is in disguise
Or does my brain veil my demise?
For I haven't known my fault in here
And now I must deal with my fear
Of failure of my farthest dreams
A list that may fill many reams
And though I knew naught such deep faults
I still have time to clear my thoughts.
Throw away those smitten lies
Break the fake and lowly ties
Alleviate my broken spirit
Destroy the rest with wizened wit
For then there shall in moment's time
Be some company sublime.
Arrival of a faerie fair
Shall lift my worries beyond the air.