The business of Show
The business of show
The business of show
is a strange thing I know,
It lives for a yes but then kills with a no
It asks for your heart but your image it owns
It lifts up your head but it can’t let it go
When push comes to shove
it’s the pushy that win
The thick end of the wedge
is quite often the thin
And the ones that give all
are the ones that are in
Then you’re out of the cold
with a nod and a grin.
For many the act
Covers up the real me
Not a platform that caters
for true identity
Just a place to become a celebrity
But to celebrate what
is not easy to see
Its a place to enhance
to advance
and to dance
on the ones that were there
when you when you first had a chance.
The deep Become shallow
then beg you to swim
on the edge of the coast
where the sharks then begin
To devour the ones who can’t handle the spin or the lies of the few
who can brandish the pin
of deflation and failure
The broken derailer
the pressure that says
That theres no one who’ll pay ya
Yet for me there’s a freedom
in this show and tell
if you’re born for the spotlight
then light can dispel
all that falsehood and fable
a chance to be stable
to do all that your able
in being a star
to show true creation
to build that foundation
an honest narration of all that you are.
So id rather be honest
and not be a sham
or court fame and fortune
and build up the dam
of pretence and deceit
and all thats a scam
I’m gonna be true
to the person i am.
so ill keep on performing
In true honesty
Not be tied to system
But be open and free
even if that leads to anonymity
I am who i am
i’m authentically me