Territories fade into extinctionBoots overturn lands and flourishing empiresRocket Launchers flash into carded hillsBombs pelt municipalities into destruction Haggard paths tremble under the weights of weary footsAs boundaries are marked in the comfy coffins of warriors Bullets adorn the streets with expired corpsesFervent shouts escape amongst silent gasps Ancestors shift in their gravesAs blood water the dead sands of their abodesThe harbinger of doom plays its ear-wrecking drumsIn celebration of the carnival of death Askia and Shongai bow to annihilation As the arrows and swords delve into hidingFighter Jets fly in aggressive arrogance As the aged Empires crotch on their walking sticks, fading into darkness The conquistadors thought they won it allFor they saw the beings clutching unto shadows But they never realised that "A ram that reverses during a fight Refuels itself with its reserved powers"