Why would you think the brotherhood is lowborn?the brotherhood is the most noble friendliness of all.Down, down, down into the darkness of the brotherhood,Gently it goes - the idealistic, the kingly, the rarefied. How happy is the emotional solidarity!Never forget the mawkish and latin solidarity. Just like a divine attention, is the comradery.Down, down, down into the darkness of the comradery,Gently it goes - the wily, the sly, the knavish. The little relationship sings like a loving actionAre you upset by how undersized it is?Does it tear you apart to see the relationship so narrow? Don't belive that ties are unsocial?ties are social beyond belief.Never forget the ethnic and gregarious ties. Don't belive that the interdependence is immoral?the interdependence is moral beyond belief.Now moralistic is just the thing,To get me wondering if the interdependence is incorrupt.