Broken for you
Here I am broken,
Dwelling on the past
Dwelling on us
And what I thought was
I fell deep in love with you
Showed you my world
Gave you my all
But nothing was enough
I thought I was enough,
You claimed to love me but you
weren't in love with me
All I heard was constant lies
Of how you promised to stay
And even when you're lying
I still believed you,
I still loved you
And every piece of my heart I gave to you
With every inch of blood
And here I am left with nothing,
I told you my fears
And how I would never face them
Because I'll never had the courage to
And I'll never the courage to love someone else
The way I did to you
And here you unbroken
As if not a damn soul loved you
Thinking of another and
The one after
Sweeping the broken glass off the floor
Wondering how I could of missed
Lying down on your bed, cozy
With a bottle of water on the bedside
Just in case you don't choke on your guilt
Swallowing it,
Doesn't get rid of it
Guilt doesn't fade
It always seens to crawl back
And as you try to forget me
My name will just come out from
Another girls mouth
Asking about me
And why the sudden change
And you'll lie saying
"Temporary indulgence, that's all"