Broken Heart
I can break my own heart just fine, thank you very much
And I don’t need you to judge
Me with your eyes of blue
Which seem to always come to my mind
When I think about you
But I can’t be blind
For I know that now is not the time
Although I think the stars are about to align
It is still not the right time
Because we have some growing up to see to
But one day our hearts will chime
But in the meantime just remember
I love you
And though my heart may be broken
Our love will continue as an ember
Waiting to be woken
So when the time comes
I want you to know that you never broke my heart
In fact you made it warm like the sun
But the point is I broke my own heart
When I let you get away
So my heart continues to be in a state of array
So don’t you judge
Because I can break my own heart, thank you very much