What none of us want to be, but all of us become.
It inevitably sneaks up on us and
Attacks us head-on
both up close with sword and from afar with gun.
We often don't realize it's there until
the beautiful punch in the face
that reveals all our true colors.
It shows who we really are,
who we've really been behind the mask
this entire time.
It teaches us who we're meant to be
and helps us to become.
It shows us that life is atrocious,
unforgiving in the levels of pain and suffering
it sends our way;
But it also teaches us
When in the depths of despair,
in the bottom of the blackest, darkest places,
there is no where to look but onward.
No where to go but up.
You cannot stop in the pit, the darkness,
because that is to give it power over you,
and you will not be overcome.
Moving up, moving forward,
it helps you live.
You never feel more human
than leaving a place you felt inhuman.
You never feel more alive
than coming out of a place you didn't want to live.
It can never be easy,
but leaving the pit,
abandoning despair,
is the strongest power move there is
against the darkness.
You can overcome,
and you come out stronger too.
The darkness may return,
stronger and more powerful,
but you will be readier than ever,
because you've fought this demon before,
and you won.
So you have nothing to fear,
because you can win again.