I like you and you don’t see that
I love you and you don’t see that
I care for you and you don’t see that
You’re blind while I see
You’re deaf while I hear
You’re living while I’m dead
If you’re living why can’t you feel? Feel all the small things that made my love for you soo big
If only you had seen all those little hints
The little hints that made me hurt soo much every time you ignored them – ignored me
You showed your bare back to me as you walked through the door
Not even glancing at me
Why did you made me love you?
Why did you made me feel like you could have loved me?
If you hadn’t gave me false hope, then I wouldn’t be feeling like this – broken
Broken maybe even since the first day I met you
As of today, I know you’ve made me feel broken, even shattered
But I, myself, have been blind and deaf all these past four years