

United States
40° 28' 56.4888" N, 78° 23' 55.5108" W

Her Words.
Notebook after notebook
Filled with her thoughts.

She writes.
Its a mystery to the world
What goes through her mind.

She tries.
She trys to smile every once in awhile
But its so overwhelming.

She cries.
Nobody knows what she goes through
Alone at night, she cries.

She cuts.
She cuts at her skin to release the hurt
She cuts to kill the demon within.

His heart.
He lets her in
he gives her his heart.

His voice.
He tells her shes perfect
Tells her the cuts arnt worth it.

He cries.
He cries every night for his one true love
For her wrists for her thighs and everything within.

He hides.
He hides all the sadness 
He hides it all back.

He loves.
He loves her with everything
Loves even her cuts.

He kisses.
The cuts on her wrists
The pain in her body.

He holds on.
He grasps her from dying, with his every ounce
He holds on forever.

They walk.
They walk together side by side.
Holding hands, theyre eachothers light.

They talk.
He knows whats in her notebook
She knows what he hides inside.

They break.
Even with the love they share
Theyre broken inside.

They love
Even with the hate
They feel okay in eachthers arms.

Theyre lost. 
Lost in eachothers eyes
Lost in eachothers minds
Theyre okay when theyre together.
Theyll love eachother forever.



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