The bridegroom is coming
The bridegroom is coming
Go out to meet him
Been together for years
Longer than any other relationship yet you still don’t trust me
I have held your hand and never let go , you do
Shown you have beautiful you are, call me a liar
Given you life and you try to give it back
You ask for Mr. Right and do not realize he is before you down on one knee
You think it’s a joke but o love I don’t joke around my love for you
Because this proposal is just for you
For you id die over and over again
For you id hold you hand despite the hardships
For you I’d love and never stop
I love you
I long to be with you
I strive everyday
I make the sun rise so that I can see the smile of my beautiful bride
I am here for you
So let me love you
Will you marry me?