So she runs
Knowing that she can't bear
Anything more
Than what she's seen
And the things
She's endured
There was always
The promise of change
but that always had its way
Of slippng through the desperate fingers
Of the girl
Who wanted it
Needed it most
Hungry for her chance
To find a piece of the world
She could finally stand on top of
Without being torn down
Or restrained
From tossed around
Undecided decisions
That were always made for her
This broken
Fragile girl
And her caged in soul
Who always worried
What tomorrow would bring her
Knowing how helplessly lost
She should be
Then seeing
She's not so lost after all
Just misguided
And she can only hold her tongue
For so long
Before she finally speaks her mind
And suddenly
Everything that's ever held her back
And Everyone whose ever tried to tie her down
Is no longer a threat
But instead
She'll use them
As a stepping stone
To reach the next chapter
Of this life
And find her purpose
That back then
She necver thought existed
And she'll make her own decisions
And decide what's best for herself
Because nothing else will matter
When she reaches
The piece of ground
That she can finally stand on top of
And breathe
For the very first time.