Breaking Free From Your Mask
All those days, I lie awake at night
Begging for an answer to become clear
Collecting all these thoughts and life experiences
Doubting all the masks I present to people
Every inner though in my brain is urging to break through and crack the fragile masks
Facing life how I truly want to is a goal
God only knows the real me
Hidden inside is an eagle ready to soar free
I have fear to show people whats truly on the inside
Just seeing others hiding behind their own masks gives me some sort of strange comfort knowing that I am not the only one
Kindness is a quality that I possess and will greatfully reveal to the world
Love can always be found when someone develops a friendship with me
Most people see me as innocent and vulnerable, but,
Not everything is what it seems
Over and over, people try to tear me down, but I stay strong
Pulsing heart beats appear with every attempt to tear off my mask
Quizzical looks are shown on the faces of those who start to see the true me
Realization starts to sink into their brains
Sand drops, grain by grain, in an hourglass, waiting for the final grain of sand to drop before the truth is set free
Truth reveals itself slowly, but with confidence
Under pressure is when the mask will come off
Vanquishing all preexisting fears
Washing away all insecurities and starting fresh and true
X-rays are no longer needed to see the inside
Yearning for freedom is now put in the past
Zig-zagging thoughts are no longer existent, now it is just a clear and straight path to relief and happiness.