Breaking Free
I am not a prisoner.
Though I am bound by the shackles of life,
I remain strong.
I refuse to be put down.
Do what you will to torture me,
But I will remain standing.
I am not a dog.
Order me around as you do,
But I will no longer obey.
I am not your puppet.
Try to string me along and control me,
But I will break your chains.
Sick of being hidden away within the shadows,
Only allowed out when you have no one else to cling to,
I steal your spotlight.
You cannot lock me up;
I am not one to be caged.
I will not do your bidding;
I am not one to be told.
Whether I be happy, angry, or sad,
I will smile.
I refuse to show you my tears;
I will not let you see me cry.
I am human;
I am fragile.
I can only withstand so much
Before the cracks begin to show.
Like glass, I will shatter.
My pieces will scatter and some will be lost;
Never again will I be whole.
But though I am broken,
I am not one to be thrown away or replaced.
Accept me for who I am.
Do not try to fix me;
I am not one to conform.
Do not ignore me;
I am not one to be silent.
Do not say that you understand me;
I am not one to be lied to.
Through thick and thin, I have remained by your side,
Only to be treated like this in return.
I refuse to let you rule my life;
I am not one to be commanded.
The time has come for me to leave.
I will fight these restraints you have cast on me.
With fire burning in my eyes and determination coursing through my veins,
I break free.
Free from this hate,
Free from this pain,
Free from these tears,
Free from you and your selfish whims.
But most of all,
Free to be myself.