Breaking down these walls
My filter,
My mask,
My wall,
No matter
what you call it,
the song
the same.
This mask I wear,
I wear it to protect
my heart
from my head,
and my head
from my heart
because I trust
too easily
and I always
end up hurt.
So I always keep
a part
of myself
locked away,
even from
those who
I am
closest to
because I
have been hurt
too many times
to ever truly
trust someone
with everything.
I can't even
trust myself
Perhaps someday,
I can break down
these walls
like they broke
down the grand,
graffiti'd Berlin Wall,
like the veil
of the temple
that was torn
in half when
Jesus was
so that common
folk might
talk to God,
without interference.
I will break down
these walls like
they blew down
the walls
of Jericho,
with the mighty
trumpet sound
of my very soul,
crying out
from being
in its cage
for far
too long.
My walls
will fall,
I will take off
this mask,
and my filters
will cease
to exist...
This poem is about: