

Educators of our nation,

Do you all feel like there is enough

Gusto or gestation? I don’t.

I see every day, lazy individuals

Without a shred of faith, faith that they

Will make their students shine bright one

Day. Tear the shackles of mediocrity

And become something bigger. Now I

See that I’ve been wrong all along,

Those shackles are on your ankles, and

Even though you may say that we don’t

Work hard enough, ha! You should work

Harder on your bluff! I can see straight through

Your crooked smiles and nervous laugh, because

At the end of the day, aren’t we another dollar

In your bank? Please, fall out of the cycle of

The norm and turn manic teaching into peace.

Find that student or students that make it worth

While, all the while, teaching us how to be

Better human beings, instead of wild, animals

Without better sense of direction. Have open-

Mindedness and affection.

After all, you can change lives,

Maybe one day you can change mine.



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