The Boy In A Hat
This boy I feel I know very well,
He likes to wear a hat.
All of the posters he has are for games,
except for a couple drawings his grandma gave.
A box of "secret" things is on his work table..
Next to a stack of his dad's CDs.
He is very tall,
yet tiny.
Like a skelliton.
He's always cold,
just like me.
He loves the color green,
mostly the brighter shades,
and his cat sheds a lot more than he thinks it should.
He's scared to laugh in front of others,
for fear of being (more) awkward.
He likes video games a lot,
and he wakes up every morning to give them "all" his attention.
However, I know it's a lie.
Because his mom told me.
"He wakes up every morning to talk to you".